Here is what’s going on Down Range at North Lawrence Fish and Game
Week ending Sunday December 8th 2024
Retirees Meeting: Thursday, December 5th at 10 am
Officers Meeting: Thursday, December 5th at 6 pm
Membership Meeting: Thursday, December 12th at 7 pm
Club Office Hours: Starting Sunday, December 1st from Noon until 2 pm, we will be taking dues payments for 2025.
Indoor Archery Program: Every Sunday at 11 am and ends at 3 pm.
Trap Range: Closed until spring.
M1 Garand Raffle: Tickets are $10.00 and only 200 are being sold. Thanks to a nonmember who sold the Club this rifle. We are still looking to purchase another rifle.
Steel Challenge Shoot: The last shoot of the season was on November 17th. Thanks to Don Bates and all his crew who do the work and to all the shooters who make this program so successful.
Elections for Officers and Trustees: Held at the December Membership meeting. The first round of nominations was at the October meeting, and the second round was at the November meeting. If you are interested in being on the Board, let us know.
Euchre: Every Friday evening at 7 pm. Plenty of room for more tables and players. Call Joe for details at 330 353 0337.
Christmas Food Drive: There is much need in our community at this time of year. Please bring non-perishable items to the Clubhouse. Monetary donations are also welcome.
Gate Security Project: All the electronic parts have been ordered and are being installed. Member Paul Swain has bench tested the system, and it works great. Paul is also loading the Membership list into the computer system. We are working on getting the necessary equipment installed on-site. Things are moving along nicely.
Once again, remember one stray round leaving our ranges could be the end of our Club. Please use good common sense and shoot safely.
I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving weekend. Please keep the folks in Western North Carolina and other flood-ravaged areas in your thoughts and prayers. These folks still need shelter, heat, and basic supplies to survive. If you can, send a donation to an organization like Samaritan’s Purse to help out.
Thanks for your continued support for NLFG.
Website: Email: Phone: 330 832-2411
Stay safe.