Here is what’s going on Down Range at North Lawrence Fish and Game

Week ending Sunday September 1st 2024

Our non-registered 50 bird target shoot has been a big success. It will continue on Monday evenings. All shooters are welcome. See details on the website: NLFG.ORG.

The Trap Range will be open Tuesday evenings at 5pm for practice shooting. Due to rising target costs, prices this season will be $7.00 for members and $7.50 for non-members. You must have your membership card to receive the discount.

Sunday, September 1st, there will be a CMP GSM Match at the rifle range. Shooting starts at 9am. This match is open to members and the public. Advanced entries are encouraged but not required. Full details will be posted on the website soon.

A big thank you to all the guys who showed up Wednesday morning to help unload 24 pallets of Trap targets from a semi truck and get them stored in the building. The help was much appreciated.

The club office will be closed on Sundays for the foreseeable future. Dues can always be paid by mail. Please get your dues payments in as soon as possible.

Our next Steel Challenge shoot will be Sunday, September 15th. Details are on the website. Go to the black header at the top of the page, click on USPSA and steel challenge for the full schedule.

New event! Ladies night at the range is back. Guys, please show this email to your wife, girlfriend, daughter, sister, and any other woman in your life. Please see the attached flyer for all the details. Hope you can make it Thursday evenings.

Euchre every Friday evening at 7 pm. Plenty of room for more tables and players. Call Joe for details at 330-353-0337.

New Memberships. If you know of someone who is interested in joining our club and likes a deal, now is the time to act. We are again having our fall membership special. Join now and receive a full 2025 membership plus the balance of this year included. Tell your friends about this great opportunity.

Here we go again. It’s hard to believe members would do this kind of damage to our range. For some unimaginable reason, someone shot up the right-hand post on the 50-yard target board. The 4×4 post is so damaged that it will need to be replaced. This is just stupid.

Also, a young man last Saturday decided to use an AR-style rifle to shoot at a plastic barrel in the event range. Plastic barrels are not targets, and neither myself nor anyone else has ever told you otherwise. This is a dangerous practice and needs to stop. I hope your Dad reads this, and if you or he has an issue with this report, call me at 330-832-2411. Frank Burkett. By the way, did you sign your guest in and pay the $10.00 fee? Probably not.

Once again, remember one stray round leaving our ranges could be the end of our Club. Please use good common sense and shoot safely.

Phone: 330-832-2411

Stay safe.