Here is what’s going on Down Range at North Lawrence Fish and Game

Week ending Sunday November 19th 2023

Nlfg is conducting its annual Thanksgiving and Christmas season food drive. If you are planning on attending a club function, please bring a non-perishable item with you.

Revised trap range hours! The trap range will be open Sundays from 12 noon until 2 pm. The last Sunday shoot will be November 19th. The Tuesday night shoots are now closed. These dates are open to the public.

The Club office will be open Sundays from noon until 2 pm for raffle ticket sales and 2024 dues payments.

The next Turkey shoot will be November 19th. Doors open at 8; shooting starts at 9. Breakfast will be available.

The next Steel Challenge shoot will be Sunday, November 19th. Contact Don Bates at 330-309-6903 to reserve a spot on the schedule.

The indoor Archery and air rifle programs start up Sunday, November 5th. Hours are 11 am until 3 pm. This program is for kids of all ages who are interested in Archery. Details at

At the Membership meeting in November, we had our second round of nominations for officers for 2024. We had no nominations for Treasurer for 2024. There will, however, be an election for 2 one-year trustees since we have 3 candidates for these offices. If you are interested in being on the Board, let us know.

Traders Day event. There was a Committee meeting before the membership meeting on November 9th. Mike Heaberlin is going to head up a committee to put on a trader’s day event at the club. We have done this at the Club in the past, and Mike is willing to get it started again. If you are willing to help, contact Mike at 330-807-0810 or The committee has set February 17th as their first event.

Euchre every Friday evening at 7 pm. Plenty of room for more tables and players. Call Joe for details at 330-353-0337.

The raffle for an M1 Carbine was drawn at the November membership meeting. The winner was a member.

The next gun raffle will be for a choice of an M1 Carbine or an M1 Garand. Same deal. $10.00 per ticket only 200 tickets sold. Stop by the Clubhouse during open hours to purchase tickets.

Art Karas is planning an M1 Garand match for Saturday, November 11th. This match will be shot at 200 yards on our range. More details on the website. So get Grandpa’s old rifle out of the safe, clean it, service it, and get to the range and sight it in.

Want to do something to help the Club out? Something that won’t cost you anything and any of you can do. Sign up a new member. If you hear someone talking about Firearms, ask them where they shoot. Tell them about our club and bring them out and give them a tour of the place. Signing up new members will help keep membership costs down. If half of our members would sign up a new member, it would really help out.

2024 Dues payments: According to NLFG bylaws article VI item 3, “member dues must be paid by December 31st for the next year.” To facilitate this, we will be accepting dues payments on Sundays during office open hours. Or you can Mail your completed membership renewal form along with a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Club. Membership forms are available for downloading and printing on the website. Thank you for your continued support.

Muskrats. Are there any trappers at the Club anymore? Some members have reported several muskrat slides at the lake. If anyone is interested in trapping them, let us know. 330-832-2411.

Hope to see you at the Club.