Here is what’s going on Down Range at North Lawrence Fish and Game
Week ending Sunday April 14, 2024
There will be an American Sniper Match on Saturday, April 6th. This will be shot on our 200-yard range. Details on the website.
The Club will once again have a display at the Stark Gun Collectors show at the Massillon K of C on Saturday, April 6th, and Sunday, April 7th. Stop by and say hello.
The Trap Range will reopen Tuesday, April 9th, at 5 pm for practice shooting. Due to rising target cost prices this season will be $7.00 for members and $7.50 for non-members. You must have your 2024 membership card with you to receive the member pricing. There will be a work party Monday morning to load targets and maintain the machines.
Membership meeting Thursday, April 11th, 7 pm.
The club office will be closed on Sundays for the foreseeable future. Dues can always be paid by mail. Please get your dues payments in as soon as possible. The gate combination has been changed.
There will be a work party on Saturday, April 13th, at 9 am to clean up the debris left by the storms and flooding last weekend. Bring gloves, rakes, etc.
Euchre every Friday evening at 7 pm. Plenty of room for more tables and players. Call Joe for details at 330-353-0337.
Please shoot safely.