Here is what’s going on Down Range at North Lawrence Fish and Game

Week ending Sunday, October 8th, 2023

Revised trap range hours!

The trap range will be open Sundays from 12 noon until 2 pm. The range will also be open Tuesdays from 5pm until
7 pm.

These dates are open to the public. The Club office will be open on Tuesday evenings from 5 until 7 pm and on
Sunday from noon until 2pm for raffle ticket sales and other Club business.

Retirees meeting Thursday October 5th at 10am. Officers meeting Thursday October 5th at 6pm
Membership meeting Thursday October 12th at 7 pm Turkey shoots start Sunday October 1st and the second shoot will be
Sunday October 15. Doors open at 8 shooting starts at 9. Breakfast will be available.

The next Steel challenge shoot will be Sunday October 15th and continue on the third Sunday of each month. Contact Don Bates at 330 309 6903 to reserve a spot on the schedule.

The November shoot will be on Sunday the 19th. Euchre every Friday evening at 7 pm. Plenty of room for more tables and players. Call Joe for details at 330 353 0337 The next gun raffle will be for an M1 Carbine.

Same deal. $10.00 per ticket only 200 tickets sold. Stop by the Clubhouse during open hours to purchase tickets. The Club will once again have a space at the Stark Gun Collectors show at the K of C hall on October 7th and 8th.

Stop by and say hello. If anyone would like to volunteer to help out at the Club give us a call and let’s talk.

We can always use some help. 330 832 2411 Much thanks to all of our 2023 members who paid the $100.00 assessment that makes projects and improvements at the Club possible. To date $40,600.00 has been raised and $40,000.00 has been spent on projects at the rifle range, event range and on our house next door.

There is still more work to be completed on other areas around the Club. ICE it has come to our attention that In Case of Emergency (ICE) we do not have a contact number for our members. On the 2024 membership form there will be a space to enter an additional phone number that we could use to contact someone in case you would have an emergency while at the Club.

Also you could record this information on your membership card. I hope we never need to use these numbers. Stay safe and healthy.

Hope to see you at the Club